Welcome Mentors

Encourage the next generation of designers. Architecture, engineering and design professionals can volunteer as online mentors to provide feedback, jury local and national competitions, and help motivate and design thinking through comments and discussion with students and teachers. Insight from design professionals helps guide teens students towards real world understanding of design concepts and assists in producing better, more professional work that teens can add to a portfolio

Are you a CIRT Design & Construction Competition ACE Mentor? Go to the CIRT Competition Homepage

Getting Started for Mentors

  • Set up an account.
    • Complete the registration form – under Role make sure to select Architect, Engineer, Designer, or Mentor. Choose the role that best suits your professional experience
  • You will receive an email from DiscoverDesign, asking you to verify your account and set your password.
    • A DiscoverDesign staff person will verify your account as a Mentor (usually within 24hrs)
    • Once your status as a mentor has been verified, please check out the Mentor User Guide for more information about features available to you. 
  • Log in

Next Steps for Mentors

  • After you have been verified as a mentor, you will have access to a Mentor dashboard where you can follow up on student projects.
  • Help guide teens by posting feedback for their work to the comments section.