Sketch Workshop

Visualizing Your Environment

Sketch Workshop

Using drawing as a form of observation is central to artists, architects, engineers, and designers. Learning to draw from observation and apply fundamental skills is important to all who engage in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Architecture & Art, Math) fields.

Understanding the Basics

January 26, 2019

Drawing terminology, media, materials, grids, circles, ellipses, elements


One-point & two-point

On location one-point and two-point drawing

Brainstorm Ideas

Sketch your informed your ideas

Put some early ideas down on paper that reflect what you found during the Collect Info step. You also might take more photos to show specific new ideas you have.

Consider uploading:

  • hand sketches
  • site plan drawings
  • a quick study model of all your first ideas.

You can also use craft supplies and paper-prototyping materials like pipe cleaners, construction paper, used paper towel rolls. Get creative! 

Develop Solutions

Ideas Mature Into Solutions.

Draw a more detailed sketch or use software such as Google SketchUp, AutoCAD, or Revit to illustrate your ideas. You can upload photos from your SketchUp model or link to video fly-throughs of your digital or physical models. 

Don't forget to get feedback!

Final Design

Did you solve your original problem?

The final step of the design process is to create more finished drawings that illustrate your ideas to others. Remember, your explanation text and the types of drawings, images, and models you share need to tell the whole story of your project to someone who may or may be familiar with the original problem.