glo's Bedroom Redesign
My room is very cluttered, nothing is set up the way I want it to be and if it were more organized I would have a lot more room, m goal is to optimize my room for maimum space and comfort
Collect Info
- lots of room to work with
- bad room color
- the closet is built weird
- window is tiny
- The tile floor is ugly
- door has holes in it
In Mr. Joanes's example that wardrope is hideous i dont like the window
1984 is a pretty good book, this poster would be a nice touch to the room
- If your reading this its too late, Drake
- Graduation, Kanye West
- Heaven Or
Not exactly like the one above and there is proper name for it not just round bed, but a round be
Brainstorm Ideas
- Different bed
- fix shelves
- hang-up shoe boxes
- mirror on wall
- new paint color
- album civers hanging up
- big brother is watching poster
extend closet out of wall bluetotth led bulbs
my room outline
1 comment
Develop Solutions
They didn't have the exact type of bed i wanted; I wanted something that took up more wall like a couchbed, but still round, but I made the round bed work. They didn't have the exact pieces of art I wanted but I made it work, all in all Im happy with it
I scrapped every specific idea I had like specific album covers and went more generic like canvas
Added a lamp because the room needed lights and did a full wall of tapestry, preferably the need
Wanted a mirror or another piece of art there but SketchUp would get so slow whenever I tried, i
A nice simple closet with a lot of room
nice little bear rug :)
Final Design
to compromise for the missing mirror I added another piece of art, and just like that I was done.
final top view of the room